baking something sweet or curling up with a book

[Short Review] The Perfect Child by Lucinda Berry

Author: Lucinda Berry

Genre: psychological thriller, suspense

Brief overview:

A couple, Christopher and Hannah Bauer, are happily married. However, they don’t have a child. So when Janie, an abandoned child, arrives at the hospital where they work, they decide to adopt her. Janie appears to be a perfect child, highly intelligent and well-behaved, but as she grows older, her behavior becomes increasingly disturbing and dangerous. The Bauers are faced with the terrifying realization that their daughter may not be who they thought she was.

My Thoughts:

How can a 6-year-old girl scare someone so much? Do you remember Esther from the movie Orphan? Her face was the one I was imagining as Janie while reading the novel – well, a younger version of Esther. And Janie is really creepy.

Anyway, what I think is that Christopher is foolish. He could have prevented what happened if he had used his brain and not his heart!

The story gave me anxiety. It is disturbing and creepy, but as a person who loves psychological thrillers, I enjoyed the ride. 😁

One response to “[Short Review] The Perfect Child by Lucinda Berry”

  1. […] is short story and a sequel to ‘The Perfect Child.’ In this novel, Janie is now 18 years old, and creepier. After being released from juvie, […]


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